
Exhibit A

Moovit Branded Passenger App Terms
(TOD Service integrated into Moovit Branded Passenger App)


These Moovit Passenger App Terms (these “Passenger App Terms”) are part of the Moovit Transportation on Demand (TOD) Terms and Conditions (the “TOD T&C”) by and between you (“Customer” or “you”) and the Moovit entity specified on the applicable Order Form (“Moovit”). By accepting these Passenger App Terms and accessing or using the TOD Solution and the rights to use the Moovit Services you have acquired from Moovit, you agree to be bound by these Passenger App Terms with respect to the access or use of the TOD Service.



1.1.          Unless otherwise defined in these Passenger App Terms, all capitalized terms in these Passenger App Terms shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the TOD T&C. The headings of the sections and subsections of these Passenger App Terms are for convenience of reference only.


1.2.          Moovit App” means the Moovit-branded End User facing mobile and web application.


1.3.          Passenger App” means, for purposes of the TOD T&C when read with these Passenger App Terms, the Moovit App.




2.1.          By ordering the Moovit App as the designated Passenger App component of the TOD Solution on the applicable Order Form, you acknowledge that Moovit is integrating and exposing your Customer Services to Moovit’s End Users on the Moovit Services. In the event that your, including any of your Subcontractors’, performance of the Transport Services, as contemplated under this Agreement causes, at Moovit’s sole and reasonable discretion, any materially adverse effect to the Moovit Services including, without limitation, in the event of significant End User complaints, Moovit may provide notice of breach in accordance with Section 11.3 of the TOD T&C.


2.2.          You shall prepare and duly enter into a legally binding and effective agreement with each End User, including terms of service and privacy notice, which shall govern the relationship between you and the End User regarding the access to and use of your Customer Services (“Customer Services Terms”). Such Customer Services Terms shall include all notices and disclosures to the End User required or advisable under applicable law to set forth the End User’s rights and obligations, including with respect to information collected by you regarding such End Users. You shall provide Moovit a copy of the Customer Service Terms within 14 days of the Effective Date and shall promptly provide Moovit notice of any material updates thereto.




3.1.          It is agreed and acknowledged that with regard to the processing of Personally Identifiable Information, the parties shall act in compliance with the Data Protection Agreement located at (“DPA”).


4.       OWNERSHIP


4.1.          Moovit’s Intellectual Property Rights. As between the Parties, Moovit, and/or its licensors, holds and retains all right, title and interest in and to the Moovit IP. For the avoidance of doubt, as between the Parties, the Moovit App, End User Data, Data Output, Requested Third Party Service Integrations and any part, feature, derivatives, and/or enhancements thereof including any Intellectual Property Rights therein or related thereto, which shall be considered as part of the Moovit IP.