
Lime and Moovit unlock the largest micromobility integration to date in global MaaS partnership

As commuters return to the office, Moovit users in 117 cities across 20 countries will be able to add available Lime scooters, bikes and mopeds as options in planning their journeys to supplant car trips

San Francisco, CA – July 2021

Lime, the world’s leading provider of shared electric vehicles, and Moovit, a leading Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions provider and creator of the #1 urban mobility app, today announced a global partnership to integrate Lime electric scooters, bikes and mopeds into the Moovit app. With a shared vision to reduce car use in cities for cleaner, healthier commutes, Lime vehicles will be added to the Moovit app in 117 cities across 20 countries, across the United States, Europe, South America and Australia, starting next week, with forty more to come in the following months. This partnership — including all three of Lime’s electric vehicle options — is the largest micromobility integration to date, based on the number of cities. 

Commuting is on the rise again as COVID restrictions continue to ease in many regions around the world. Moovit’s COVID-19 mobility report shows public transit ridership is returning in cities such as New York, London, and Paris. In the last month alone, an average of 41% of Lime scooter rides were taken during peak commuting hours–between 7:00 AM and 10:00 AM or 4:00 PM and 7:00 PM–to get to/from work or school, and historical data has shown that a significant amount of Lime rides connect riders with public transit. However, many people are still driving private cars to connect to main transportation hubs for the first or last segment of their journey or for the entire length of their trip. 

The integration between Lime and Moovit will encourage riders toward car-free, multi-modal trips by enabling Moovit users to incorporate Lime scooters, bikes or mopeds as part of their journey. This includes returning riders to public transit in cities around the world, with easily-accessible first- and last-mile options to/from public transit stations, for more sustainable and hassle-free travel. Moovit will show its users in real-time where a Lime vehicle is available nearby, including how long it will take to walk there, an estimated cost of the trip, as well as remaining battery range. 

Here’s how it works: 

  1. Launch Moovit: Once a user opens the Moovit app on the “Directions” screen they may plan a trip by typing in their destination. Alternatively, they can use the “Stations” screen to view a map of where they currently are, including icons of nearby Lime vehicles.
  2. Plan the trip: On the Suggested Routes screen, users will see Lime as a transportation option either for the entire trip or as part of a multimodal journey.
  3. Unlock Lime: Once a user taps on the Lime icon, they will be directed to the Lime app which will show the specific vehicle the rider selected in Moovit, and can then unlock the vehicle

“This partnership signifies that mobility companies recognize the need to collaborate together to offer riders more convenient modes of public and shared transportation as they return,” said Nir Erez, Moovit Co-founder and CEO. “Offering more alternative options that can easily get people to their destinations is a critical component of a MaaS platform, especially in some of the most congested cities in the world. From New York to Berlin, we are excited to partner with Lime and offer riders more ways of getting around town that can easily combine with public transit.”

“In addition to being the largest micromobility integration to date, our partnership with Moovit is  a major step towards our goal of expanding access to shared, affordable and carbon-free transportation to more users around the world.” said Wayne Ting, Lime CEO. “As cities begin to reopen and commuters head back to offices, we want to make it as easy as possible for riders to locate a Lime electric bike, scooter or moped, and with the Moovit app, they’ll be able to use them seamlessly in tandem with public transit.” 

Moovit users can experience the new Lime offering in the following countries, with more to be added soon:

  • Austria
  • Australia
  • Belgium
  • Brazil
  • Canada
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Israel
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom 
  • United States

Moovit can be downloaded on the App Store and Google Play.

Additional Company Information

About Moovit

Moovit (, an Intel company, is a leading Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions provider and the creator of the #1 urban mobility app. Moovit was acquired by Intel in 2020 to join forces with Mobileye and advance its MaaS strategy. Together, Moovit and Mobileye will accelerate the global adoption of autonomous transportation.

Moovit’s iOS, Android, and Web apps guide people in getting around town effectively and conveniently, using any mode of transport. Introduced in 2012 it now serves over 950 million users in more than 3,400 cities across 112 countries.
Moovit amasses up to six billion anonymous data points a day to add to the world’s largest repository of transit and urban mobility data. For governments, cities, transit agencies, and private companies, Moovit offers AI-powered MaaS solutions covering planning, operations, and optimization with proven value in reducing congestion, growing ridership, and increasing efficiency and asset utilization. Industry leaders such as Microsoft, Uber, and Cubic have partnered with Moovit to power their mobility offerings.

About Lime

Lime’s mission is to realize a future for transportation that is shared, electric and carbon-free. As the world’s leading provider of shared electric vehicles, Lime partners with cities to deploy electric bikes, scooters and mopeds to serve any trip under five miles. One of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential Companies in 2021, Lime has powered more than 200 million rides in more than 175 cities across five continents, spurring a new generation of clean alternatives to car ownership. Learn more at

In This Announcement:
Yovav Meydad
Chief Growth & Marketing Officer