
Moovit to Feature Bird Micro Electric Vehicles in 65 Cities Across 12 Countries

Across Europe and the Middle East, Moovit will show individual’s where Bird vehicles are available nearby, in real-time, for more convenient first and last-mile options

New York City – October 2021

Moovit, an Intel company, a leading Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions provider and creator of the #1 urban mobility app, announced today it will feature Bird’s shared micro electric vehicles in its app. Moovit will show users where Bird’s eco-friendly vehicles are available nearby in real-time in 65 cities across 12 countries including Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Israel, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, with plans to include U.S. cities.

As COVID restrictions lift and traffic increases once again in many countries, offering more convenient travel options will help riders save time and reduce the need for a private car for first and last-mile journeys. 

Moovit, which has served over 1 billion urban users around the world in 112 countries, offers its service in over 1,500 cities across Europe and the Middle East, and Bird, which provides its service in more than 300 cities globally — will enable Moovit users to embrace multi-modality and discover Bird vehicles in the Moovit app to better connect with public transport. Moovit will show its users in real-time where a Bird vehicle is available nearby, including how long it will take to walk there, as well as battery range. 

“Offering more alternative forms of transport that can easily get people to their destination is a critical component of any Mobility as a Service platform,” said Yovav Meydad, Moovit’s Chief of Growth and Marketing Officer. “That’s why we are excited to partner with Bird. From Canterbury to Cologne, riders can combine micromobility with public transport to enjoy the most convenient ways of getting around, especially in some of the most congested cities in the world.”

The companies will also be collaborating on urban mobility research in these regions to gain local perspectives on mobility trends. 

Moovit users can currently experience the Bird offering in the following countries: 

  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • France
  • Germany
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Norway
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • United Kingdom

Moovit can be downloaded on the App Store and Google Play.

Additional Company Information

About Moovit

Moovit (, an Intel company, is a leading Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions provider and the creator of the #1 urban mobility app. Moovit was acquired by Intel in 2020 to join forces with Mobileye and advance its MaaS strategy. Together, Moovit and Mobileye will accelerate the global adoption of autonomous transportation.

Moovit’s iOS, Android, and Web apps guide people in getting around town effectively and conveniently, using any mode of transport. Introduced in 2012 it now serves over 950 million users in more than 3,400 cities across 112 countries.
Moovit amasses up to six billion anonymous data points a day to add to the world’s largest repository of transit and urban mobility data. For governments, cities, transit agencies, and private companies, Moovit offers AI-powered MaaS solutions covering planning, operations, and optimization with proven value in reducing congestion, growing ridership, and increasing efficiency and asset utilization. Industry leaders such as Microsoft, Uber, and Cubic have partnered with Moovit to power their mobility offerings.

In This Announcement:
Yovav Meydad
Chief Growth & Marketing Officer