
RCD Espanyol de Barcelona partners with Moovit to improve football fans’ mobility to games

The urban mobility app will help fans find the most convenient routes to reach the stadium and return home after the game, including real-time information, service alerts, and more

Barcelona – September, 2022

RCD Espanyol de Barcelona and Moovit, an Intel company and creator of the popular urban mobility app, are announcing a partnership to improve the mobility of RCD Espanyol fans to games. Blue and white supporters will receive detailed information on how to reach RCDE Stadium efficiently and sustainably via public transport. In addition, they will also receive relevant information to reach away matches against LaLiga rivals to cheer on the team in away games.

The RCDE Stadium is in close proximity to the train, railway, metro, and bus lines. The partnership with Moovit will help fans find the most convenient routes to reach the stadium and return home after the game. The information provided by Moovit is accurate and will give various details to users for a better and faster journey.

By downloading Moovit’s free iOS or Android app, or using Moovit’s Web app, fans can find all transit updates and consider any service changes to ensure they have the most direct route so they never miss kick off. Moovit users will also receive notifications directly to their app if there are any changes to the route. 

RCD Espanyol has added Moovit’s multimodal web planner to its website, available in 45 languages, for visitors looking for the easiest to reach the RCDE Stadium, no matter the mode of transport. Additionally, Moovit is providing the club with a series of tools to improve the mobility of fans such as smartlinks and QR codes. The club, through its social networks, will share these tools with fans who will be able to calculate routes to the stadium from their exact location with a single click.

RCD Espanyol thus joins other Moovit Spanish partners that also belong to the world of sports such as Real Betis, Granada FC, Liga ACB (The Spanish Basketball league), La Vuelta cycling race, among others. All of them share a concern for the environment and seek to facilitate access to sustainable mobility among the fans who regularly visit their facilities.

Yovav Meydad, Moovit’s Chief Growth and Marketing Officer said: “RCD Espanyol knows that the fan experience is important — it starts from the moment a fan begins making their way to the stadium and ends when they arrive safely at home. We’re excited that RCD Espanyol has selected Moovit and its global experience to make traveling around the LaLiga stadiums more comfortable and sustainable for fans.”

Additional Company Information

About Moovit

Moovit (, an Intel company, is a leading Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions provider and the creator of the #1 urban mobility app. Moovit was acquired by Intel in 2020 to join forces with Mobileye and advance its MaaS strategy. Together, Moovit and Mobileye will accelerate the global adoption of autonomous transportation.

Moovit’s iOS, Android, and Web apps guide people in getting around town effectively and conveniently, using any mode of transport. Introduced in 2012 it now serves over 1 billion users in more than 3,500 cities across 112 countries.

Moovit amasses up to six billion anonymous data points a day to add to the world’s largest repository of transit and urban mobility data. For governments, cities, transit agencies, and private companies, Moovit offers AI-powered MaaS solutions covering planning, operations, and optimization with proven value in reducing congestion, growing ridership, and increasing efficiency and asset utilization. Industry leaders such as Microsoft, Uber, and Cubic have partnered with Moovit to power their mobility offerings.

About RCD Espanyol de Barcelona

RCD Espanyol de Barcelona was founded in 1900 as a social football club in the classrooms of the University of Barcelona by enthusiastic students of the sport. A pioneer of multiple sports practices in Catalonia, today it focuses its activities on football, where it has been recognized for being one of the founding clubs of LaLiga, winning four Spanish Cups and two UEFA runner-ups. It has two first-class facilities: the Ciutat Esportiva Dani Jarque and the RCDE stadium, which was awarded the best sports facility in the world in 2010.

Yovav Meydad
Chief Growth & Marketing Officer