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The COVID-19 Effect: How is Urban Mobility Evolving Across the World?

Transportation planners, agencies, and cities around the world are trying to understand how COVID-19 urban mobility is evolving and what changes need to be made in order to bring riders back to public transportation.

While nothing beats concrete O-D data, we leveraged our connection to 840 million users across 3,200 cities in 106 countries around the world to conduct a survey to hear from real riders on their ‘new normal’ needs.

Download the ebook to learn:

  • How quickly will public transportation ridership bounce back after COVID-19 subsides in countries including the US, Canada, Australia, France, Spain, the UK, and Brazil?
  • What measures can agencies take to make riders feel safe and win them back?
  • Which mobility trends have emerged during lockdown periods around the world and will they last?

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