
$1.5 Billion Available through the 2023 RAISE Grant Program

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The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) has published a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for $1.5 billion in grant funding through the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) discretionary grant program for 2023. This program helps communities like yours carry out mobility projects with significant and meaningful impact.

Half of the funding will go to projects in rural areas, and half will go to urban projects. The Department seeks to fund projects that, to the extent possible, target at least 40% of resources and benefits towards low-income communities, disadvantaged communities, communities underserved by affordable transportation, or overburdened communities.

The program helps communities build transportation projects that have significant local or regional impact and improve safety and equity.

Specifically, the Department is looking to award projects that align with President Biden’s gas reduction goals, promote energy efficiency, support fiscally responsible land use and transportation efficient design, increase the use of lower-carbon travel modes such as transit and active transportation, incorporate electrification or zero-emission vehicle infrastructure.

Moovit, a leading mobility solutions provider, would like to partner with and assist you with submitting a successful RAISE Grant.

We can share our approach to modernizing your existing service offerings and reaching underserved urban and rural areas. Moovit can help to deliver your vision by integrating on-demand directly into public transit, including multimodal journey planning and seamless mobile ticketing.

There is more to share on how we can help you win this grant and deliver on your mobility ambitions for 2023 and beyond. We’d love to help as you consider applying and can provide further insight into the application process. Applications are due on February 28, 2023.

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