לוגו חברת מוביט
לוגו חברת פנגו

It Pays Off to Pay with Us

QR Code to scan to download Moovit
The Ministry of Transport’s Reform: With Moovit you’ll pay the best rate!
*According to the Ministry of Transport's billing system
Pay for public transit with Moovit
Public transit payment verification in the Moovit app (screenshot)

Public transit fares

The best rate
Ride a lot? Work hybrid mode? At the end of the month we’ll calculate the best fares for you
Q&As About Fares and the New Pricing System

New discounts for eligible riders
On 3/25/24 there will be new discounts on monthly passes for these profiles:
Young Adults (18-26): 33% discount
Residents of Eligible Geographic Areas: 50%
Discharged soldiers and those who completed National Civil Service (Sherut Leumi): free rides for a year from the discharge day
National Insurance Beneficiary (Bituah Leumi): 50% discount, in addition to the existing one
See full list of eligible profiles
See full list of eligible geographic areas

No Prepaying!
Ride all month long, and pay only for the rides you’ve made.
The New Pricing Method

Always with you
Easily pay with your phone – board, scan and ride!

Plan your rides and pay in one place
Plan your route, get real-time schedules, and ride all in one app

In accordance with the decision of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Transport, public transportation fares will be updated beginning June 25th 2024

Tariff area Distance Single bus ride Single Israel Railways ride Daily Bus Pass* Daily bus + train pass Nation-wide Unlimited Monthly Pass Nation-wide Unlimited Monthly Pass + Israel Railways
Yellow 0-15 KM 6 ₪ 9.5 ₪ 13 ₪ 19 ₪ 267 ₪
Green 16-40 KM 12.5 ₪ 19 ₪ 25 ₪ 29.5 ₪ 267 ₪
Light blue 40-75 KM 17 ₪ 25 ₪ 33.5 ₪ 39 ₪ 236 ₪ 430 ₪
Blue 75-120 KM 17 ₪ 28.5 ₪ 33.5 ₪ 44 ₪ 639 ₪
Violet 120-255 KM 28.5 ₪ 50.5 ₪ 56.5 ₪ 77.5 ₪ 639 ₪
Gray More than 220 KM 84.24 ₪ 77.5 ₪ 639 ₪ 639 ₪
And you get 90 minutes free transfer passage on trips of up to 15 km! And travel as much as you want within that distance, all day! And travel as much as you want within that distance, all day! And enjoy unlimited travel, all month! And enjoy unlimited travel, all month!

How do you register?

Enter personal details
This is so you can connect to your paying account, get invoices for your rides, and set up your rider profile.

Choose a payment method
If you have a Pango account, you can pay with the credit card you entered there. Otherwise, simply pay using your credit card.

Choose a rider profile
The profile you choose is our – and the Ministry of Transportation’s – way to know if you’re eligible for discounts on public transit rides. If you choose a discount profile, you’ll have to upload documents for verification.

Payment process and verification for bus rides in the Moovit app (screenshots)

How do I validate bus rides?

Scan the code
After boarding the bus, validate your ride by scanning the QR code, located next to the driver and by the back doors.

Choose your ride distance
Once you’ve scanned the code, easily choose your ride distance, based on the stops you boarded and plan to get off at.

All set! The fide Confirmation can be found in several places throughout the app, to be presented whenever needed. Pay only at the end of the month for rides you’ve actually taken.

Payment process and verification for train rides in the Moovit app (screenshots)

How do I validate rides on Israel Railways or Carmelit?

Arrive at the Station
When you arrive at the station, tap ‘Validate New Ride’ on the home screen and choose Israel Railways. From there, you will see your location and boarding station.

Scan the Code at the Entrance
Tap ‘Validate’ and scan the QR code at the reader at the station entrance. QR codes can be used only at your current station.

Tap ‘End Ride’ Once You’ve Arrived at Your Destination
When you get to your destination station, tap ‘End Ride’ to calculate your trip fare. Otherwise you’ll be charged the maximum daily cap.

Scan Your Code at the Exit
Once the app finds your location, tap on ‘Create Exit Code’ and scan the QR code at the exit gate. QR codes can be used only at your current station.

Ride validation on Jerusalem light rail in the Moovit app (screenshot)

How do I validate rides on the Jerusalem Light Rail?

Arriving at the Station
When you arrive at the station, tap ‘Validate New Ride’ on the home screen and choose Light Rail. From there, you will see your location and boarding station.

Validate a Ride
Choose the number of passengers and tap ‘Validate a ride’. You can present an entrance ticket for inspection from the following locations in the app:

  1. On the Directions screen, under ‘My Rides’
  2. In ‘My Rides’ on the side menu

Transfers within 90 minutes
Free transfers within 90 minutes will be available on rides within a 15km radius from the first origin station, on the same day, and in all public transportation except Israel Railways. Please make sure to re-validate your ticket whenever you transfer for a new ride.

Feel free to contact us for any questions you may have

Contact us by phone *5090
Contact us by phone *5090

Would you like to know more?

All the questions and answers about the reform to public transit payments

How does the new reform work? Which profiles are eligible for discounts? How can you view and manage your account details? How do you check payment and invoice history?

Learn More