

Introducing: Autonomous Ride-Sharing Services by Mobileye and Moovit

Published: September 7, 2021

In May 2020, Intel announced its acquisition of Moovit to join forces with Mobileye. At the time, Moovit’s Co-founder and CEO, Nir Erez, wrote about his shared vision with Prof. Amnon Shashua,…

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Urban Mobility in the New Normal: An Interview with Yovav Meydad

Published: July 27, 2020
Urban Mobility in the New Normal

Yovav Meydad, Moovit’s Chief Growth and Marketing Officer, recently gave an interview at the Virtual Mobility Summit. Read the highlights below! What transformation have you seen in the urban mobility data marketplace in the past 12 months and do you expect further change? We believe that data is the fuel of mobi…

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Insights and Highlights from the 2019 Smart City Expo World Congress

Published: November 26, 2019
the moovit team at smart city expo

We just got back from a very exciting three days in Barcelona, having attended the 2019 Smart City Expo World Congress. It was huge – with nearly 25,000 visitors, 1,000 exhibitors, and representation from over 700 cities. Clearly, this was the world’s biggest event for smart cities. The event covered many essential topics and trending themes for the smart cities of today and tomorrow, including digital transformation, urban enviro…

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Top-5 Insights from APTA’s Sustainability & Multimodal Planning Workshop

Published: August 2, 2019
American Public Transportation Association

Summary:  The American Public Transportation Association (APTA) held its annual Sustainability & Multimodal Planning Workshop in Boston, Massachusetts this week, from July 28 – 31, 2019.  This workshop is the premier forum for advancing cutting-edge practices in sustainability, multimodal planning, and scheduling in public transportation with a focus on increasing efficiencies, resilienc…

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Moovit at NOAH: “The Future Lies in MaaS (Mobility-as-a-Service)”

Published: July 11, 2019
Moovit at the NOAH Conference, Berlin

“The future lies in MaaS (Mobility-as-a-Service)” is the message Moovit’s CEO & Co-Founder, Nir Erez made clear when discussing the future of mobility in a Fireside Chat with Walter Masalin, Partner at NGP Capital, during the NOAH Conference in Berlin. In this context, NOAH has the goal to bring together future-shaping executives and investors active across segments driven by the digital revolution. M…

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Moovit at Smart City Expo World Congress: The Highlights

Published: November 28, 2018
Moovit Booth Smart City Expo World Congress

Earlier this month, Moovit sent members of its team to Barcelona, Spain to present Moovit’s Mobility as a Service (MaaS) solutions at one of the world’s biggest mobility events of the year, Smart City Expo World Congress. The congress…

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Meet Moovit at Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona

Published: November 7, 2018

It’s a busy time of year for Moovit, with the team presenting at multiple conferences around the world. This week, Moovit Co-Founder and CEO Nir Erez spoke at Web Summit in Lisbon where he not only shared Moovit’s vision on the future of urban mobility, but also announced a new partn…

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Moovit at 2020 Cities Today Conference

Published: September 14, 2018
Steve Swasey Moovit Greater Portland 2020 conference

Steve Swasey here. Moovit Global VP of Sales Frank Kopas and I had the pleasure of joining an esteemed group of city and state transit officials the past two days at the 2020 Cities Today Club, a global forum focused on the future of urban mobility. Delegates from Quito, Ecuador, Vancouver, British Columbia, Calgary and E…

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Moovit at NOAH: Data Powers Urban Mobility

Published: June 6, 2018
Nir Erez at NOAH Conference 2018

BERLIN — 6 June 2018 — When global internet, investment and political leaders convened at the NOAH conference here today, Moovit was highly visible among them. Co-founder and CEO Nir Erez took the stage immediately after Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi, who had followed insightful talks on the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in journalism, digitization of the travel industry, and the opening keynote …

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Moovit’s Vision: The Role of Public Transit in the Era of Autonomous Vehicles

Published: May 14, 2018

Iceland and the future of urban mobility may seem incongruous at first. But not when its capital Reykjavik hosts the the SMART City Conference at which one of the speakers is Moovit’s own Josh Wine talking about the role of public transit in a Smart City.

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