
Moovit Doubles its Users in One Year to 100 Million Users

Published: December 13, 2017

As we approach the end of the year, it’s incredible to look back and see what a long way we have come. The pace of growth for Moovit has accelerated in 2017. We thought growing from zero to 50 million in less than 4 years was a huge achievement. A year later, we’ve doubled this.

100 million is a significant number. It’s more than the number of Instagram fans that Justin Bieber has. We are proud to say it’s growing every day, and was even named by Apple as one of its “Best of 2017” apps this week.

How does the number of Moovit users affect you? Here’s how: the more Moovit users, the more feedback we receive to ensure the service is the best it can be. Moovit’s  dedicated Operations Team enables Moovit to open a new city every 15 hours and keep the transit data up-to-date. In places where the data isn’t readily available, we have Mooviters, our trusted local transit experts that help us map out cities that would otherwise be underserved.

The Mooviter community, which surpassed 200,000 members this year, ensures Moovit is  the “Wikipedia of Transit”, where volunteers join with Moovit to ensure a better public transit experience for all.

We have launched some great features and products this year. Some of the key achievements we are especially proud of include:

Nir Erez, our co-founder and CEO, said, “As we approach the end of the year, we reflect on Moovit’s success. We’re proud to have doubled our user base to 100 million, added multiple features to help users with motoric, ambulatory and visual disabilities, as well as launching the Moovit Smart Transit Suite and Moovit University Marathon program.

“These key achievements stand out, helping drive our vision to provide people with a simple and smooth way to travel on mass transit.”

Moovit is also proud to recently be featured in the Apple App Store as the App of the Day.

100 million users - Moovit App of the Day

Given the success of 2017, we can’t wait to show what we will produce in 2018!

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