
Back to school tips by Moovit

Published: August 29, 2016

After a long, fun summer, getting back in the swing of things can be tough. At Moovit, our aim is to make every journey smoother on public transit. Especially the more stressful ones, like getting your kids to school or trying to make it on time to your first class of the semester at college.

Top tips for using public transit to get to school

Moovit does all the leg work to make riding transit easy, but here are some tips to get the most out of the app.

Favorites — Get the best route to your favorite locations no matter where you are, in one simple click. A couple of seconds spent adding Favorites to the app equates to minutes and hours saved in the future. It’s the difference between catching that earlier train, or waiting a whole hour on the platform.

Best Way TodayThe most up-to-date route information for specific times between two specific locations (e.g. home and school), sent direct to your phone. Get the best route home after a long school day, or a useful reminder for parents to leave work to do the school run.

WidgetMakes checking your favorite line arrivals as easy as checking the weather. Best for when you need to know if you have enough time to finish your breakfast or not before leaving the house in the morning.

Service AlertsBe in control of your commute by checking the latest alerts for your local transit routes. Find the latest info for your bus through service alerts and an easy link to the local transit agency’s Twitter feed. Just tap on the “More” menu and “Service Alerts”.

Benefits of using public transit for the school trip

Save money — with the average back to school spend being $673.57 this year, riding transit is a cheap and effective way of saving money across the year compared to driving.

More time — not being behind the wheel means more time to finish that paper that’s due. Or for parents, more time to find out about how school was that day without the need to concentrate on driving.

Peace of mind — Moovit gives you the best routes available, so if there’s a problem on the train, we will give you a different route by bus for example.

We believe riding is better together, so if one of your friends could benefit from riding transit with you, help them out by sharing this post.

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