
Get transit directions in Granada, Spain using Moovit

Published: August 30, 2016

We’re excited to announce that transit directions are now available in Granada, Spain.

About Granada

Granada is famous for the revered Alhambra, a Moorish palace and fortress. This UNESCO World Heritage Site was originally designed as a military area in the 13th century, but later became the royal residence of King Mohammed ibn Yusuf ben Nasr.

Alhambra in Arabic translates as Red Castle, and it was called this because of its reddish walls.

In addition to the Alhambra, Granada boasts a rich history, with the top attractions including:

Mirador de San Nicolas — a viewing point with unrivaled views of the Alhambra and Sierra Nevada mountains. Come here for a magical sunset!

Albayzin — explore the famous narrow alleys. You will find historic buildings, cobbled streets and get your hands on some souvenirs.

Basilica de San Juan de Dios — said to be underwhelming from the outside, this church has one of the most opulently decorated interiors.

Carrera del Darro — this is the name given to the left bank of the River Darro. It’s one of the most scenic walks in Granada and dates back to the 17th century.

How to get around Granada on public transport

Traveling using public transit in Granada is simple with Moovit. The bus is a cost effective way of traveling. It costs €1,20 for a regular ticket (find more details here).

Moovit on Web allows you to pre-plan your trip, while the app is your handy guide on the go to give you maps, schedules and the best routes. If you don’t speak Spanish, Moovit helps decipher the transport system, as the app is in 43 languages.

Make someone’s day by sharing the news with them if they live, or are visiting Granada.

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