
Lyft teams up with Moovit to provide real-time public transit information for NYC

Published: October 3, 2019

On its blog, Lyft announced that in New York City, a city with complex transit data, it has chosen to utilize Moovit’s industry-leading transit API to mind the gap between public transit and ride-hailing data. With our mission of simplifying urban mobility, we were honored to be chosen as the public transit data provider for Lyft and worked quickly to get the feature up and running for New Yorkers. 

With Lyft’s recent shift to providing public transit options to its users, it has provided information on when and where vehicles are in US cities such as Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Seattle so that riders can have all the information they need to make their journey with confidence. 

Now, through its collaboration with Moovit, Lyft is able to provide its users with real-time data on New York City’s public transportation services. Riders can see information regarding buses, trains, subways, and even the ferry to commute and connect to their destination.

How it Works

in app  screenshot - nearby public transit in app  screenshot - nearby public transit

Images: Public transport data as it appears to NYC-based Lyft users in the Lyft app.

Lyft users can see public transport options by clicking into Transit on the homescreen of the Lyft app. Users will be able to view available urban mobility routes including buses, trains, subways, ferries, as well as walking routes to each station. 

The Moovit Advantage

Moovit owns and operates the world’s largest repository of transit data comprised of data from more than 7,000 transit agencies and augmented with data from Moovit’s community of users. Moovit has more than 500 million users and its free urban mobility app provides full multi-modal transit options in 3,000 cities in 92 countries. 


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