
Highlights from Moovit’s Second Annual Community Meet-up in Spain

Published: December 30, 2019

It’s no secret that we are passionate about our Mooviter community – a network of more than half a million local editors, passionate users, that help map and maintain local transit information in cities that would otherwise be unserved. The cities they map account for 70% of the hundreds of cities that Moovit has launched service in, and make Moovit the “Wikipedia of Transit”. We so appreciate what they do that each year, we bring them together for a couple of days of activities, bonding, and keeping them up to speed on what’s new at Moovit.

This month, the Ambassadors of our Mooviter community in Spain met in Madrid for the second annual Meet-up. Surrounded by the holiday lights and the hustle and bustle of the season, the most active members of the local community took time out of their busy schedules (especially during the busy holiday season no less) to travel to Madrid for a couple of days. From Barcelona to Vigo, these Mooviters came together to share their passion for public transit, and explored the city.

The passion that Mooviters have for public transportation greatly improves urban mobility in their local communities. They provide millions of people with access to better and more accurate transit information, and ultimately with lifelines to education, work, doctor’s appointments, and everything in between.

This year’s Meet-up was filled with good food, good vibes, and lots of Christmas lights! It began by heading to the rooftop of the Riu hotel for amazing views of Madrid and then on a mission to ensure that the city’s metro entrances are located properly in the Moovit app. Afterward, the group went to an escape room where they managed to get out just in the nick of time.

The next day, the team learned about the latest tech developments at Moovit, and some of the ambassadors presented case studies about what they have done for their cities. Later on, the team traveled to El Espanol’s offices, a well-known local publication, where a journalist sat with the Community to hear about what they do, the differences they are making in their cities, and why they chose to volunteer for the cause. Overall, the trip was a great success and we look forward to the fun we’ll have next year.

Thank you, Mooviters! Your continued passion and dedication to continue improving urban mobility is greatly appreciated. Looking forward to the impact we will make, together in 2020.

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