
Moovit and Center for Mobility Equity Partner to Provide the Best Public Transit Information to Riders in Maryland

Published: December 12, 2018

Center for Mobility Equity chooses Moovit as its official journey planner

Moovit, a leading Mobility as a Service (MaaS) provider and the #1 transit app, and Center for Mobility Equity, a nonprofit organization that provides transportation information throughout Maryland, today announced a partnership to provide the most accurate transit data to public transit riders using Moovit’s free app in Maryland and the greater Baltimore-Washington region.

With more than 300 million registered users around the world, Moovit’s leading public transit app provides real-time transit arrivals and directions, trip plans, service alerts and Get Off Alerts through the free smartphone and web app, making traveling via public transit easy and convenient. Moovit works in 44 languages which makes riding public transit in over 86 countries (+2,700 cities) much more manageable.

The Center for Mobility Equity will embed the Moovit Web Trip planner on their website to allow for easy journey searches for their audience. They will also provide Moovit’s Journey Planner to all transit agencies and operators in Maryland so that no matter which agency riders may search for, they will still have access to the most comprehensive and accurate journey planning tool.    

“The Center for Mobility Equity believes that all people have a right to equitable access to transportation, and Moovit vociferously agrees,” said Moovit Global VP of Communications Steve Swasey. “We’re pleased to partner with a like-minded organization to provide the best transit data to riders in Maryland and provide them with real-time information for a more convenient journey,” Swasey concluded.

“Working with the Moovit team has been fantastic. Not only do they have a great trip planner, they are tenacious in pulling real-time feeds,” said Center for Mobility Equity Executive Director Chris Firehock. “We look forward to continuing our work with Moovit to introduce private shuttles and new modes of transit to provide the most comprehensive trip planning results for as many constituents as possible.”

Moovit will provide the latest public transit data for the following transit agencies in the greater Baltimore-Washington region: MDOT MTA (BaltimoreLink, Metro, Light Rail, Commuter Bus, and MARC), WMATA (Metrorail and Metrobus), Allegany County Transit, Annapolis Transit, Arlington Transit, BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport Shuttles, Calvert County Public Transportation, Carroll Transit System, Cecil Transit, Charles County VanGo, Charm City Circulator, DASH, DC Circulator, DC Streetcar, Delmarva Community Transit, Fairfax Connector, Frederick County TransIT, Harford Transit LINK, Loudoun County Transit (Local and Commuter buses), NIST Shuttles, Ocean City Transportation, Montgomery County Ride On, Prince George’s County TheBus, PRTC, Queen Anne’s County Ride, RTA of Central Maryland, Shore Transit, Shuttle-UM, St. Mary’s Transit System, Virginia Railway Express, and Washington County Transit.

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