
Moovit’s Community Puts the Pedal to the Metal For 4th Annual Mooviter Ambassador Meet-up in Brazil

Published: November 13, 2019

The Mooviter Community’s most active members from Brazil recently came together in São Paulo for their fourth annual Mooviter Ambassador Meet-up. The first meet-up was seven ambassadors strong, and as the Mooviter community grew dramatically to 625,000 local editors, this event saw 50 of Moovit’s most passionate users from 30 cities across Brazil meet together in one place.

They took time out of their busy schedules to hop on a plane, train, or bus and traveled to São Paulo for a two day event with the purpose of bonding and continuing to make a tremendous impact on their country and cities.

What makes Moovit unique is its Mooviter community – a network of more than half a million local editors, passionate users, that help map and maintain local transit information in cities that would otherwise be unserved. The cities they map account for 70% of the hundreds of cities that Moovit have launched service in, and make Moovit the “Wikipedia of Transit”.

The passion that these Mooviters have greatly improves the urban mobility in their local communities. They serve millions of people with access to better and more accurate transit information, and ultimately with lifelines to education, work, doctor’s appointments, and everything in between.

This year’s meet-up, organized by Moovit’s Brazilian operations team, was filled with fun activities, lots of bonding, and valuable contributions to the accuracy of Moovit’s transit data in the city. Split into teams, the ambassadors ventured onto São Paulo’s metro lines, and buses to collect hyper-localized data to validate and update existing Moovit information. Updated data on metro stations, entrances, and platforms, for example, let users know exactly which metro station entrances and signs they should be looking for. The ambassadors also got to visit the operations room of Via Quatro, the company behind one of São Paulo’s main metro lines followed by a visit to the local museum of transportation.

We thank the Mooviter community endlessly for their continued passion and dedication to continue improving urban mobility for all.

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