
What’s New On Version 5.1 for Android & iOS

Published: December 1, 2016

We’re constantly making updates to our transit app so that it continues to have the best data available. After a full face lift with our last update, we’ve made some further improvements on Android and iOS to make your travel experience even easier. Find out below what’s new on Moovit’s latest update, Version 5.1.

Version 5.1 changes to Android

Favorite Stations

We all love having quick access to the things we need most, be it our wallet or keys — and now our favorite transit stations!

Add a station to your favorites by tapping on the star next to the station name. This way you can see all upcoming lines for your selected stations in one place.


Now, whenever you want to find your starred stations and their arrival times, you can easily find them under the Favorite Stations section in the Stations tab.


Edit Stations

Public transit information can change and we try to be nimble by updating our data all the time. If you find an improvement to our station information, you can help others by suggesting an edit.

For example, if you notice that the location of a station is incorrectly marked in the app, you can help fix it.

First tap on the SUGGEST AN EDIT button at the bottom of the Stations screen.


Then, when you’re standing at the location where the station should be, select ‘Tap to change location’.


You can also report if a line is missing, indicate if the station is closed, or if the name of the station is incorrect, and improve the commute of everyone in your neighborhood.

Version 5.1 changes to iOS

Help your community — snap a picture as you wait at your station

You know that feeling of reaching a place you’re unfamiliar with and having to find a station that you’ve never seen before?

As public transit riders, we all know how useful it can be to have extra help along the way. That’s why you can now add photographs of stations and stops as you wait for your line.

The best part is that helping others recognize the station only takes a second:

1. Choose the station you are at from the Stations tab.

2. Tap the camera to take a clear picture of the station and sign that other riders can identify.

Moovit_5.1_iOS update_add_photo

Pro tip: If you are logged in using Facebook / Google (part of the “Connect & Sync” feature under the More menu), you will get credit for your great photography skills!

At Moovit, we are constantly making changes, big and small to improve the accuracy and usability of our app. If you have feedback, please share it with us at Want to help a friend out with their transit problems? Share Moovit so they can have a smooth journey on transit too.  

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