
Navigate the 2016 Thanksgiving Parades with Moovit

Published: November 24, 2016

At Moovit, our aim is to give you the best public transit information available for your journey, so that you have the smoothest route every time. We do this by updating our app with the planned changes on a regular basis. This includes accounting for the changes during tomorrow’s Thanksgiving parades.

The biggest parade is in New York City, where more than 3 million spectators gather on the streets for the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. The Thanksgiving celebration is one of the most famous, with festive floats, marching bands, and well-known characters in the form of giant balloons!

The Parade begins at 77th Street & Central Park West at 9am. The Parade will march south on Central Park West. At Columbus Circle, the Parade will then turn EAST onto Central Park South instead of heading down Broadway. When the Parade reaches 6th Avenue, it turns south to 34th Street. At 34th Street it heads west to Macy’s Herald Square and ends at 34th Street and Seventh Avenue at around noon.

Here’s a list of the top 5 thanksgiving parades as chosen by the Travel Channel in case you aren’t in New York for the Macy’s Parade.

Thanksgiving parades are a great way to get into the festive spirit and prepare yourself for a day of eating. So be sure not to waste time at a station that’s closed, and instead, be sitting in front of the football with the smell of the feast that’s to come.

If you are planning to watch the parade at home, but know people who are venturing out by transit, share this with them. You will save them a bunch of time, and maybe they will bring over a delicious pumpkin pie to say thanks!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Moovit team!


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