
What's New on Version 4.13 on Android

Published: August 4, 2016

Version 4.13 for Android brings more power to you.

We know that many of you use Moovit, not only for your daily commute, but also when you are arriving somewhere new. For this reason, we’ve added the ability for users to submit photos of individual transit stations on Version 4.13, so that when you arrive at a new station in the future, you know to expect at your destination. This should be particularly helpful in cases where entrances or bus stops are unmarked or have inconspicuous entrances.

In order to get peace of mind for your own journey, we also ask for your help your fellow transit riders by uploading your own photos. You never know when someone else’s photo can help you! Plus, it’s something to do while waiting for your ride to arrive!

Help others find their station on Version 4.13!

Add a photo in any station screen by tapping on the Add Photo icon at the bottom right of the map.

Not sure what photo to add? Read the guidelines for upload.

Finally, any users can tap Edit this Station now on Moovit to help suggest edits to data within the app. This includes editing the location for a bus stop on the map or its name for example. Just follow the steps on the screen to submit your proposed change.

If you have a friend that could benefit from a smoother journey on public transit, share this with them and let them buy you a coffee for the countless minutes you’ll save them throughout the year. Smooth travels!

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