
Moovit Selected as Nominee for 2018 Google Play Awards

Published: April 30, 2018

Moovit is counting down the days until Google announces the winners of the 2018 Google Play Awards. Moovit is a finalist in the Standout Build for Billions Experience category along with other world-leading companies, Cricbuzz, Flipkart, Mercado Libre and Viki.

This category is for apps or games with optimized performance, localization, and culturalization for emerging markets. This is a very special award for us as our team has worked extremely hard and dedicated much time towards optimizing the Moovit app to consume less storage on a user’s device.

The Moovit team discovered that storage size was a major barrier for users in emerging countries as many Android users had old versions of the smartphone with low phone storage capacity. With this in mind, the Moovit Android engineers worked together with the product, design and data analysis teams to implement several product changes that reduce the app download size by a whopping 45%.

Moovit’s mission is to change the future of urban mobility, and being nominated for this prestigious award is great recognition of the work that goes in behind the scenes to the Moovit app to provide access to people who would be otherwise unserved by a reliable and accurate public transit app.

This mindset is also showcased by our prominent accessibility features for low vision and blind users and wheelchair users, as well as our Mooviter Community that allows us to open a new city on the app every 15 hours, allowing us to cover over +2,000 cities around the world. Through the Mooviter Community, Moovit is able to provide public transport information to over half a billion people in areas that would otherwise be unserved or underserved. Localization of the app is also key, with it being available in 44 languages. 

The Google Play Awards celebrate achievements of the developer community over the past year, by recognizing the best apps and games across nine categories. Nominees were selected by a panel of experts throughout Google Play and platform teams, based on a criteria set emphasizing app quality, technical performance, innovation, and having a launch or major update in the last 12 months. Winners will be announced during the ceremony on Monday, May 7th at 7:30pm (Pacific Time).

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