
Moovit’s Smart Mobility Projects Recognized in 2021 Awards

Published: June 5, 2021

We’re always up to big things here at Moovit. While our mission is to simplify urban mobility around the world, behind-the-scenes – it’s not that simple. Teamwork, dedication, and commitment are just some of the ingredients that go into our recipe for ‘changing the future of transportation’. In the last year or so, we’ve been working on and executing some significant smart mobility projects around the world. That’s why we’re excited to announce two recent awards that we’ve been honored to receive for our transformative smart city projects during the first half of 2021!

Smart 50 Awards by Smart Cities Connect

We’re thrilled to be recognized for not one, but two, Smart 50 Awards by Smart Cities Connect! The Smart 50 Award is given annually to the most innovative and influential smart city projects around the world. 

smart50 award badge

TikTak by Moovit On-Demand

The first award recognizes our project TikTak by Moovit On-Demand. Egged, the largest public transit company in Israel, turned to Moovit to launch its first On-Demand solution targeting locals of Haifa, one of the most populated cities in the country, to achieve its goal of adding a first-/last mile option to and from public transport hubs and the city’s major industrial, educational and commercial districts, and offering a mobility service in areas where public transport doesn’t operate.

Read more about the solution and results TikTak by Moovit On-Demand provided here

Moovit’s first national-scale MaaS launch, in partnership with Israel’s Ministry of Transportation and Pango

For this massive project, Israel’s Ministry of Transportation wanted to provide the country’s 9 million locals with an easier way to pay for public transit, and we set the bar high, radically changing how riders plan and pay for their public transport journeys.

The Moovit/Pango solution significantly upgrades the public transit experience by providing riders with an all-in-one app that they can use to plan public transit journeys, navigate, get real-time updates and pay for Moovit on every bus and train throughout the country. Read more about Moovit’s country-wide MaaS launch in Israel here

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